H-8 Xian Chinese Stealth Bomber

H-8 Xian Chinese Stealth Bomber
A new H-8 is claimed to have been under development since 1994 to match the US B-2A. With a weapons load targeted at 18 tons, the bomber might travel at 1.2 Mach to penetrate defended territory or in order to flee. The bomber can carry a new stealth cruise missile, and is reported to have the range to reach targets on the continental USA, with a range estimated to be up to 10.000 kilometers.

The aircraft uses domestically made advanced navigation equipment. The bomber has been designed by the 603 institute, and Xian are liable for producing the bomber. The bomber will be the first domestically designed and made strategic bomber.

The H-8 was reported to use a high-tech blended wing-body design, has fly-by-wire controls, and an angled fuselage. The wing has large internal fuel tanks. The aircraft used carbon fiber and different composite materials. The weapons bay has a rotating weapons profile. The bomber retains a terrain hugging capability and contains a terrain following and mapping radar, satellite information links and advanced digital mapping systems.

The bomber also uses advanced stealth technologies. The H-8 will have 4 turbo-fan engines, the core of which is based on the WS-10A. It can use a number of weapons including laser guided "thunder stone" 6, satellite guidance bomb and anti-ship missile.

According to a semi-official Chinese media report in late 2007, China's domestically-developed "Xian H-8" stealth strategic bomber has successfully undergone flight trials. it's said that this bomber can carry a new type of cruise missile and be capable of attacking North America, which is a cause of great concern in several countries.