WZ-10 PLA Army Attack Helicopter

WZ-10 PLA Army Attack Helicopter
WZ-10 PLA Army Attack Helicopter
The primary mission for the treetop hugging WZ-10 is battlefield interdiction, eliminating the enemy ground fixed and mobile forces, and concurrently bound air combat ability. The WZ-10 (Wuzhuang Zhisheng-10) is mostly just like the South African Rooviak and Italian Agusta A129. The PLA Army Aviation long lacked an attack helicopter like the AH-64 Apache or Mi-28 Havoc. The restricted attack helicopter force consisted of 30-40 Z-9Ws and 8 SA-342L Gazelles, together with 60 Mi-17 Hips with unguided rocket launchers. prior to the WZ-10 China had yet to produce an indigenously designed helicopter. The WZ-10 is so a bellwether of the enhancements in China's helicopter design and production capabilities. though the helicopter would possibly still not be as capable as the U.S. AH-64 Apache, it'll most likely play a major role in Army Aviation modernisation and force compabilities.

The WZ-10 prototypes were powered by Canadian PT6C-76C engines but the production version are seemingly to use the WZ-9 engines. At one time the WZ-10 was believed to possess two European MTR 390 turboshafts, though this currently seems in error. Initially there was speculation that the design used the ability plant and transmission derived from the Harbin Z-9, with the fuselage changed to accommodate two pilots. However, over time it became clear that the WZ-10 was the military componment of the Chinese Medium Helicopter [CMH], and thus shared a typical power train with the Z-15 [AC352].

The WZ-10 has a non-traditional [for China] style that uses composite and radar absorbant materials. The WZ-10 is provided with radar warning systems and with systems that will alert the crew that it's been targetted with laser range finders. The helicopter is also provided with passive countermeasures and in an attempt to reduce fratricide is provided with IFF. The WZ-10 has changed engine exhausts to reduce IR signature of the helicopter. The cabin's bulletproof glass may resist 7.62 millimeter ammunition and composite armor under the cabin resists 12.7 millimeters machine gun fires. The cabin is provided to maximize fire protection and thw WZ-10 is also outfitted with ejection seats just like the Ka-50.