A310 Multi Role Transport MRT

A310 Multi Role Transport MRT
The Airbus A310 MRT for the German Air Force is a joint project of DaimlerChrysler Aerospace Airbus GmbH and Lufthansa Technik. The MRT - Multi Role Transport - will fulfil a good range of various transport tasks with just one aircraft type. The concept relies on conversions of Airbus A310-300 commercial aircraft, that are already in worldwide operation. Standardized kits - including all systems for transport tasks - are used for the conversion in accordance with client requirements.

The Multi-Role Transport (MRT) version will be realized by the conversion of Airbus passenger aircraft by means of DaimlerChrysler Aerospace Airbus conversion kits. In three versions, the aircraft will fulfil the tasks passenger/personnel transport, combined cargo and passenger/personnel transport, or conduct ambulance flights for sick, hurt or wounded persons (MEDEVAC). All versions provide the benefits of modern, economic and proven medium-to-long-range widebody aircraft and are capable of performing transport tasks at favorable operating costs.